SavannaStone® Architectural Cast Stone
Stock Mold Profiles - Sills
Profiles in the Sill category have a wash on top with no flat.

Other Profile Types
- SavannaStone® Smooth Rectangular
- SavannaStone® Textured Rectangular
- SavannaStone® Chamfered Profiles
- SavannaStone® Single Pitch Coping
- SavannaStone® Double Pitch Coping
- SavannaStone® Chamfered Coping
- SavannaStone® Cornices
- SavannaStone® Specialty Profiles
More information on SavannaStone®
NEW! SavannaStone eBinder
includes Brochure, Test Results, Colors, MSDS, and Specs.NEW! SavannaStone - Stock Mold Profiles
Rockface, Smooth, Sills, Coping & More!
NEW! SavannaStone - Colors
Standard and Custom Colors!
SavannaStone PowerPoint Presentation
SavannaStone Brochure - updated!
Compressive Strength and Absorption Test
Freeze-Thaw Test Results
SavannaStone Specifications
SavannaStone MSDS